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My life is like a rollercoaster, we start with the summer blues and transition into my birthday.
They say things get worse before they
get better and I believe it.
But my life gets worse, then better,
and back to being worse.
And in this trilogy, you’ll experience a mini-coaster going through my mini quarter-life crisis.
So let’s transition through my mind,
from ideas to emotions.
Hate, despair, and happiness
coiled into one neat story.

I have a goal in life.
To free the people trapped in darkness...
I have a gift and a second chance,
I'm going to give it back for as long as I live.
People are too defensive,
I'm going to fight back,
I'm going on the attack.
For the sake of the deserving,
I'm going to die for you...
"Only through persistence and the burning of hope you can find freedom. To free yourself you must set ablaze your dreams and turn them into reality;
only then you can find the light"